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Wintershall RAVN and A6-A

Wintershall Noordzee B.V. installed a new remote platform RAVN as a crude production tie-back to A6-A. RAVN is a remote and unmanned crude well unit. Utilising a dry-tree design, all control, power and metered injection for the well will be via the 18.2-km control umbilical between the new satellite platform RAVN in the Danish sector and the operational platform A6-A in the German sector.

The umbilical forms the entire link between the remote platform, supplying and controlling all functions and ensuring continual feedback and monitoring of RAVN.

The umbilical supplies all the necessary input data, control and feedback to eliminate the usual day-to-day requirements of direct human contact. The umbilical was installed from RAVN first end to second end pull-in at A6-A end. Platforms are located in the Danish territorial waters in the North Sea (RAVN) and German territorial waters in the North Sea (A6-A). The umbilical was connected/pulled into RAVN via a J-tube and internal conductor to the RAVN topside -TUTA. RAVN - first end with pull-in to topside deck via a J-tube - was laid in corridor separate from the 8-inch pipeline between RAVN and A6-A and second end pull-in using the quadrant method at the A6-A platform.


  • Prepare project planning for Boskalis’ scope of work.
  • Survey work, including post-burial survey.
  • Perform route engineering and installation engineering to optimize the performance of the installation scope, including Orcaflex analysis for laying, pull-ins, loads and dynamics, as well as a detailed burial assessment study (BAS).
  • Prepare platform on RAVN and A6-A.
  • Define umbilical length together with the client.
  • Umbilical load-out at Hartlepool (UK) onto the installation vessel Ndurance.
  • Installation and hang-off of umbilical termination heads – topsides.
  • Crossing 36- & 40-inch live gas pipelines.
  • Pull-in at RAVN & A6-A platforms – direct from vessel as part of SIM-OPS.
  • Umbilical lay and bury scope – minimize on seabed exposure.
  • Mobilize and demobilize all installation spreads for Boskalis’ scope.
  • Provide engineering support during the offshore umbilical installation, including simultaneous burial.
  • Provide QHSE management for Boskalis’ scope.
  • Process and deliver as-built data.
  • Mobilize and demobilize all installation spreads for Boskalis’ scope.