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Safety is our top priority in everything we do. We aim to provide a safe, injury- and accident-free working environment and culture, while supporting the broader well-being of our employees and subcontractors. Our long-standing No Injuries, No Accidents (NINA) health and safety program is an important part of our Good Stewardship pillar and continues to deliver quality results and ongoing improvements.

NINA, our behavior-based safety program

NINA develops people’s awareness with regard to their own responsibility towards safety. The program stimulates a working environment in which safety responsibilities and potentially hazardous situations are both discussed openly and reported. We ensure that safety remains foremost in people’s minds through regular staff engagement activities and training at all levels.

At Boskalis, safety is first and foremost about behavior and, through our trainings and workshops, we have implemented tools that, for example, help employees to communicate effectively with stakeholders. This focus on behavior helps safety practices to be long-lasting and not just rule-driven.

Thanks to the sustained commitment of our employees, subcontractors and management, our safety record has improved significantly throughout the years. More information about our NINA program can be found here.