Human life is rooted in the world’s natural systems. Prosperity and health suffer when nature is harmed. In our highly dynamic and unpredictable world, global population growth, biodiversity loss and climate change pose major challenges.
Population growth is highest in coastal areas, which is precisely where coastal habitats and delta systems are most at risk. Coastal communities may suffer severely, with consequences for food supplies, land quality, erosion and flooding. A holistic approach is needed to generate shared value for both human development and nature values by working with nature instead of against it: nature-based solutions are interventions that use nature to address global challenges and provide long-term benefits for people and nature.
Benefits for all stakeholders
Population growth is highest in coastal areas, which is precisely where coastal habitats and delta systems are most at risk. Coastal communities may suffer severely, with consequences for food supplies, land quality, erosion and flooding. A holistic approach is needed to generate shared value for both human development and nature values by working with nature instead of against it: nature-based solutions are interventions that use nature to address global challenges and provide long-term benefits for people and nature.
Resilient solutions to complex challenges
Solutions that harness nature can provide answers to countless global sustainable development challenges, from the environment to the economy and health. The Global Biodiversity Framework adopted by the UN
Biodiversity Conference in 2022 requires the restoration, and sustainable use of natural ecosystems. Nature-based solutions deliver the sustainable, cost-effective and resilient responses needed.
Nature-based solutions go one step beyond climate adaptation: they balance nature values and human development, which is essential to maintain biodiversity and public health, to generate economic opportunities, to improve water quality, and to provide coastal protection at landscape scale.
Combine knowledge and understand the system
Nature-based solutions take inspiration from – and work with – nature. A thorough understanding of the local dynamics and natural processes is essential; each nature-based solution requires a context-specific innovative and dynamic design based on a holistic view of the broader landscape.
An evidence-based approach is paramount before, during and after the execution of a project. Throughout the project lifecycle, Boskalis studies the science and the data, collaborates with experts, engages local and indigenous knowledge where available and applies for permit.
Different landscapes
Nature-based solutions can be used in many different landscapes.
Our solutions are perfect for sandy and muddy coastlines, lakes, rivers and estuaries. But also for densely populated areas such as cities and ports. Nature-based solutions can be combined with traditional ‘gray’
infrastructure such as dikes and revetments to create green-gray solutions that match the landscape, delivering long-term resilience to changing conditions, and adding value for people and nature.
Tapping into financing potential
Scaling up nature-based solutions in the infrastructure market often presents project owners and developers with financing challenges. Private capital can play a critical role here: funds, investors and banks are
increasingly looking to deploy their capital in sustainable and climate-adaptive infrastructure projects. In return, nature-based solutions provide long-lasting environmental, social and economic values that align with the objectives of the financial sector. We leverage our global network and we engage with industry
partners and financial and development institutions to jointly explore ways to mobilize financing for nature-based solutions.
For Boskalis, alliances and collaborations are the core of our nature-based approach. Our long-standing relationships with engineers, knowledge institutes, NGOs and academic institutions provide us with access to the latest knowledge, add value to our work and allow us to manage the risks in complex project environments. Nature-based solutions perform best when they are actively supported by project owners and developers, and are co-designed with local experts, communities and stakeholders. The relationship with local communities is essential. From the earliest stages of a project, we engage proactively with the involved stakeholders. Even when we join projects later, after the design and permitting stages, we still look for ways to work together and include nature-based solutions in the development.
Network EcoShape | Building with Nature
Boskalis initiated the innovative knowlegde program ‘Building with Nature’. The program develops and tests Naturebased solutions for hydraulic infrastructure. It uses elements and forces of nature such as waves and vegetation in the design of hydraulic engineering solutions, to achieve a balance between economic development and environmental care. Scientific research findings are made available for the design and execution of projects and for policy and decision-making. The initiative is a close collaboration between the Dutch government and Dutch companies, universities and knowledge institutes, with the EcoShape Foundation as lead partner.
Contact information
Fokko van der Goot
For more information about our Nature-based Solutions, please contact Fokko van der Goot.
Function: Program manager Biodiversity and Nature-based Solutions