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Boskalis creates new horizons, executing an extensive range of dredging and marine projects in 94 countries and across six continents. With a wide range of skills in numerous specialities, our experts work around the world, always adhering to the strictest safety standards. View a selection of some of our most ground-breaking projects. Filter your selection based on the relevant market (Offshore Energy, Ports or Infrastructure) or activity (Offshore Energy, Dredging & Inland Infra or Salvage). Narrow your search further by time and location.

Project overview


Construction of
Marker Wadden

Boskalis has been awarded the first phase of the Marker Wadden development in the Netherlands. The project includes the construction of an island with underwater landscaping. The Marker Wadden are natural islands that will be developed in the Markermeer lake in the years to come. They will provide a major boost for the ecological quality of the Markermeer lake. The natural shores of the islands will give fish more opportunities to spawn and feed. As a result, large numbers of birds such as terns and waders will return to the area because there will be more food for them. The construction of the Marker Wadden will transform the map of the Netherlands.


Jotun A

The Jotun A FPSO, a 92,000 DWT FPSO capable of producing 70,000 bpd, began producing in 1999 on the Jotun field (Norway). As part of Vår Energi’s investment in increased oil recovery from the Balder field in the North Sea an upgrade of the Jotun FPSO is required. The Balder Future project will extend the life of the field (PL 001) by 2045, giving Norway’s oldest license a lifetime of 80 years.


L10 -C -D & -G Decommissioning

Neptune Energy Netherlands B.V. (Neptune) has awarded Boskalis the contract for the removal, transport and load-in of three platforms. These platforms are located in the Dutch North Sea, approximately 90 km west of Terschelling.



Royal Boskalis Westminster is a leading global marine contractor and services provider. With safety as our core value, we offer a wide variety of specialist activities to the oil & gas and renewa-bles sectors. These activities include marine instal-lation and decommissioning, seabed intervention, marine transport and services, subsea services and marine survey. In addition, Boskalis is a global dredging contractor, provides towage and terminal services across the globe and delivers marine salvage solutions. By understanding what drives our clients we are able to provide the solutions that enable them to meet their specific business goals. For this reason we are constantly looking for new ways to broaden and optimize our offering and are committed to expanding our proposition, supported by our financial strength. With our committed professionals in engineering, project management and operations, 800 special-ized vessels and an unprecedented breadth of activities in 90 countries across six continents we help our clients in the offshore industry push boundaries and create new horizons.


1915 Çanakkale Bridge

The 1915 Çanakkale Bridge, also known as the Çanakkale Strait Bridge, is a proposed suspension bridge being constructed in the Çanakkale area in Turkey. Situated just south of the towns of Lapseki in Asia and Sütlüce Village in Europe. The bridge will span the Dardanelles strait, about 10 km south of the Sea of Marmara.


Outer harbor channel widening, Adelaide.

The Port of Adelaide is the primary port in South Australia, located at Outer Harbor. The port is operated by Flinders Ports Pty Ltd (Flinders Ports) and handles both container and cruise vessels, contributing significantly to the State’s economic activity. Flinders Ports identified the need for an upgrade of the existing infrastructure driven by the emergence of Post Panamax class vessels. To meet this growth the existing channel had to be widened to accommodate vessels with a maximum width of 49 m without operational restrictions. Flinders Ports contracted Boskalis to execute the dredging works.