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Boskalis operates around the world and is a leading player in the fields of dredging, offshore energy and maritime services. In many of our markets we are a frontrunner thanks to our ability to deliver innovative all-round solutions combined with a comprehensive portfolio of specialist activities. The versatile vessels and maritime equipment we deploy with value-adding potential are the cornerstone of our business model. Systematic execution of the strategy, which is reviewed regularly in light of relevant market developments, is a key factor in our success.


Our strategy is elaborated in our three-year business plan. Following a thorough review of our markets and business lines, a new Corporate Business Plan was formulated early 2022 for the period 2022-2024. Based on three strategic pillars – Good Stewardship, Human Excellence and Distinguishing Assets - this plan addresses current and anticipated developments in our global business environment. In monitoring and developing our corporate strategy we keep a clear eye on the long-term megatrends that underpin the Boskalis business model. Population growth and rising levels of prosperity are the overarching trends that propel our business, resulting in a need for more and cleaner energy, as well as marine and inland infrastructure, to support economic growth and increasing levels of world trade.

The mid- to long-term development of these trends are all supportive of Boskalis’ business. The structural growth and rising prosperity of the global population that increasingly lives in coastal areas drives demand for raw materials and energy and stimulates global trade. Climate change necessitates massive investments in the energy transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy sources. Given the unavoidable changes that are already locked in as a result of current and near-term emissions, the damaging effects of climate change will nonetheless increase over the next decades. Adequately addressing these effects through adaptive measures also requires very substantial investments. 

We create, protect and advance

Strategic framework

The Boskalis strategy is a logical progression from our purpose and mission.

  • Purpose - We create and protect prosperity and advance the energy transition.
  • Mission - We strive to be the leading dredging and marine contracting experts, creating new horizons for all our stakeholders.

In light of the market outlook the strategic course for the coming period is based on three strategic pillars: Good Stewardship, Human Excellence and Distinguishing Assets.

Strategy Arrow

Strategic pillars 2022-2024


Distinguishing Assets

Together with our human capital, Boskalis’ strength lies in its ability to deploy proprietary, distinguishing assets. During the 2022-2024 business plan period, we expect to invest EUR 1.25 billion in assets, comprising a combination of new builds, vessel modifications and acquisitions of existing vessels for both the dredging and offshore energy division


Good Stewardship

Good Stewardship dictates effective management of risks and opportunities related to our business, and is thereby pivotal to our ability to achieve sustainable growth. Focal topics are identified from both the outcome of our biennial materiality assessment as well as our structured approach to managing our broader social and environmental impact.


Human Excellence

Our approach to human capital is a key pillar of our business strategy and pivotal to our ability to achieve sustainable growth while managing the impact of our activities on our people and the world around us. Under this pillar, we aim to strategically grow our workforce while creating an environment where employees feel safe, connected, engaged and can maximize their talents.

More about Boskalis

Company profile

All about Boskalis - an overview of the company’s background, global presence, our activities, clients, and experts, and our vision for the future.


Boskalis creates new horizons, executing an extensive range of dredging and marine projects in 90 countries and across six continents.

Organizational structure

An overview of Boskalis’ organizational structure including board of management, supervisory board, divisional structure and offices.

Fleet and equipment

Boskalis has an extensive and versatile fleet of around 600 vessels which can be deployed in the optimal configuration for each project.