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Biodiversity and ecosystems

Through our structured approach to managing environmental risks we aim to prevent and mitigate negative impacts on marine life or local habitats, such as those linked to invasive species, turbidity or pollution. We also aim to be an industry leader in the development of nature-based solutions to protect and enhance coastal ecosystems.

Environmental management

Where our activities occur close to critical habitats or sensitive ecosystems, we apply systematic precautionary management and mitigation measures. We invest in research and development, ways of working and collaboration with third party experts to help protect and enhance biodiversity and marine life.

The most significant biodiversity pressures related to our business are:

• suspended sediments/turbidity;
• the modification, fragmentation and/or loss of habitat;
• the introduction of invasive species;
• pollution from waste or spills;
• underwater noise.

Our biodiversity framework is based on our collaboration with the an international NGO and detailed work within the business to identify our priorities and areas of influence in the field of biodiversity.

Biodiversity Framework

Nature-based solutions

Solutions that harness nature can provide answers to countless global sustainable development challenges, from the environment to the economy and society at large. Through the provision of nature-based infrastructure, including artificial reefs [hyperlink to ARP site], Boskalis is well-equipped to deliver the sustainable, cost-effective and resilient solutions that are needed.

We continue to invest in the development of new technologies and work methods and to build an environmental mindset with our teams, project owners and stakeholders. One of the ways we do this is through our investment in the EcoShape Foundation which executes the Building with Nature program, an innovative approach to hydraulic engineering that takes the dynamics of natural systems as the point of departure in its project design. EcoShape is recognized by multilaterals such as the UN and World Bank as an expert on nature-based solutions and has become an enabler for such projects on the international stage.