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Protect through climate adaptation

We develop climate-adaptive solutions that help protect people and the natural environment from the impacts of climate change

Climate action

Rising sea levels, together with a growing number of extreme weather events caused by climate change, threaten the safety and livelihoods of more than one billion people around the globe. Boskalis provides innovative, sustainable solutions to contribute to SDG 13, Climate Action, while our expertise and century of experience in coastal defense and riverbank protection makes us a frontrunner in responding to the threats posed by global warming.

The effects of climate change will continue to increase over the coming decades, pushing up demand for climate adaptive measures. With 75% of major world cities located on the coast, it is estimated that annual investment of USD 77 billion will be required to keep flood risks at their current levels. Without this level of expenditure, the cost of flood damage is projected to increase between a hundred and thousand times by the end of the century.

Strengthening our contribution

This element of our business contributes towards the delivery of the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular Goal 13, Climate Action. Boskalis is responding to the growing need for coastal protection and flood prevention on a global scale. We deliver projects on behalf of our clients, using a state-of-the-art fleet of dredging vessels, talented and dedicated professionals and specialized equipment.