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Sustainability at Boskalis goes beyond managing our business and projects in a responsible manner. We seek to leverage our ability to influence and innovate, to create added social, environmental and economic value where we can. These cases illustrate our approach in action.

Overview Sustainability Cases

Large ARP Hengistbury Head

Artificial reef installation at Henigistbury Head

During the year, Boskalis executed a climate adaptive project in Dorset’s Hengistbury Head nature reserve in southern England which encompasses a unique combination of coastal defense and nature enhancement. The project, on behalf of the local council, involved the renewal of a 150-meter-long groyne at the foot of the headland and the installation of various rock and reef units under Boskalis’ Artificial Reefs Program.

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Social safety program

It is important that all of our staff, regardless of their background or where they are in the world, feel at home within Boskalis - whether on a project, in the office, or aboard a vessel. Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) was the focus of a designated section within Boskalis’ employee engagement survey and, based on the survey findings, we took the decision to develop a dedicated program on social safety.

Emissions BOKA Da Vinci North Sea Harbour Energy Decommissioning JC

Operating offshore with battery packs

To realize our ambition of a 10% reduction in the carbon intensity of our operations by 2030, we continue to trial and adopt various operational and technical efficiency measures across the fleet.

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Building with available materials

Boskalis undertakes an array of dredging and land reclamation projects across the world. These projects can face numerous challenges that stem from scarcity of sand or environmental restrictions that prevent the disposal of excavated or dredged material.

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Hydrogen-powered dredging in Rotterdam

During 2023, Boskalis carried out a successful pilot project that demonstrated the ability of one of its vessels to run on hydrogen and conduct dredging activities completely emission-free. The Medusa 2 – a converted excavator pontoon.

Philippines Case Study Seafarers

The Philippines - local fisherfolk receive seafarer training

As a key part of our Manila International Airport Project in the Philippines we have delivered several programs focused on local capacity-building and skills development that provide people from nearby communities with a steppingstone to future career opportunities.