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Seagrass is an aquatic plant that forms extensive meadows and thick root systems in marine environments. It is therefore considered a key ecosystem engineer because it shapes its environment.

There are approximately sixty seagrass species worldwide, creating unique biodiversity hotspots in every continent except Antarctica. Seagrass habitats vary enormously and communities can be found near coral reefs, sandy shores, estuaries, coastal lagoons, and even waters with depths of up to 70 meters. This means that nature-based solutions with seagrass are possible in a wide range of areas.


Coastal protection
Seagrass is crucial for coastal protection. By stabilizing sediment and reducing wave energy, it provides direct protection from erosion, flooding and storm damage, as well as a sustainable alternative to traditional coastal engineering.

Seagrass meadows are home to diverse wildlife communities that include many threatened species such as marine mammals, sea turtles and sea horses. Seagrass leaves and root systems improve water quality
immediately by filtering, recycling and storing pollutants.

Carbon storage
Seagrass, and the sediments it traps, captures vast amounts of carbon that can be stored for centuries. Healthy seagrass meadows are therefore an essential natural ecosystem for stabilizing the climate.

Seagrass provides critical food, shelter and nursery opportunities for a wide range of commercially important species of fish and invertebrates (e.g. crab, lobster, shrimp, shellfish), whilst generating multiple ecotourism and leisure opportunities.

The large-scale restoration of seagrass often includes planting seagrass and/or seedlings to kickstart seagrass growth. In some cases, restoring the natural conditions needed for seagrass growth is essential.

A variety of engineering techniques have been developed for restoration programs. These include aquaculture and stabilizing sediment to create a window of opportunity for seagrass to form dense, more resilient, meadows.

Traditionally, seagrass transplantation is a manual, environmentally complex, and labor-intensive process. Costs are high and vegetation survival rates are low. We have upscaled and mechanized transplantation
with the in-house design of the innovative seagrass TransPlanter by our own Research & Development department.


Seagrass revegetation

To reverse the degradation of seagrass habitats, we have teamed up with the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust in the UK for an extensive, multi-year seagrass restoration project in the Solent. This project also raises awareness of the importance of seagrass ecosystems and adds to our knowledge base.

The long-term effectiveness of a seagrass restoration project depends on comprehensive community engagement from the outset. We therefore establish close relationships with knowledge institutes, local
stakeholders, land-owners and communities. In local education projects, we create synergies that expand our knowledge and raise awareness of the vital role of seagrass for healthy coastlines.

We believe that healthy seagrass ecosystems are crucial for coastal integrity. With our thorough understanding of coastal dynamics, we are in a position to facilitate natural seagrass regeneration for your
project. We can lead this process from the earliest design sketches to the installation and monitoring phases.
We have the scientific expertise and strategic partnerships needed for seagrass restoration projects that
contribute to a sustainable future for people and nature.